Get Alias

How to get your very own Alias

Alias is digital cash and you will need the Alias wallet to store your Alias and to be able to send and receive Alias. In order to acquire some Alias you will need to sign up with one of the exchanges that trades Alias and buy it using Bitcoin. If you are new to Bitcoin and crypto in general please click here on ‘How to obtain Bitcoin’

Buy Alias on an Exchange

A cryptocurrency exchange is a bit like a stock exchange and you can trade many different cryptocurrencies. Crypto exchanges are not always reliable and it is highly recommended that you do your own research and choose the exchange that is right for you. Some exchanges will ask you to verify your real identity, so-called “Know you customer” (KYC) process and some only require an email address.

Do NOT use any exchange as a wallet, only deposit ALIAS you intend to trade, and withdraw ALIAS immediately after purchase unless you intend to trade. The Alias Foundation is not in any way in control over third party providers like exchanges.

P2P Decentralized Trading on Tor

(previous ticker still in use)

ALIAS is a kind of digital currency allowing you to buy, sell and exchange using your computer or mobile, offering you the freedom to send or spend it privately or publicly. It's fast and easy to use.



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