Summer, Sun, Summertime, Holidays…

More than three months passed since the last development newsletter. That’s a clear sign of hitting our summer season.  But lets summarize what happens behind the scenes.

Development history

As announced in the April news, we reunited our Git history with the history of our ancestors. As planned and multiple times tested, the operation went well and now we can go back on the sourcecode history up to the very first commit 4405b78d from 2009-08-30 by the developer sirius-m. Please have a look at the description on our wiki, if you’re interested on details of that task.

Release 4.4.x on the way

We’re nearly ready with the release 4.4.x. Up to now there will be these changes a/o improvements:

  • #14 Localization of main wallet
  • Localization of installer and Shell-UI
  • #280 Fixed cmdline option -help (-h)
  • Update of Fedora build to Fedora 33
  • Update of minimal Mac version to 10.14 (Mojave)
  • Update used Boost version to 1.75.0
  • #21 Replaced old Tor v2 seednode addresses with new v3 addresses. For details see v2 deprecation timeline.
  • #3 32Bit Windows version

Unfortunately we need some more testing of the Mac version as there might be something wrong during the wallet startup. As soon as we found some more beta testers with all MacOS versions starting from 10.14 (Mojave), we probably could define a release date.


Commits 2021

Still not re-listed on Cryptomiso, but if we were, this would place us at #16!

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